Saturday, 14 September 2019

Elliot's 6 Month Update

Dear Elliot,

This month we celebrated your Yaya's birthday by going away to Brighton for the night and we have been lucky enough to go away for 2 nights in West Wittering as the 5 of us as well, which was just wonderful. 


This month you found your thumb and I don't think it has left your mouth, which is new to me as your brother and sister took a dummy.  

You now roll all over the place and don't stay in the same spot for more than a couple of seconds. 

Your 2nd tooth came through too, bringing you back to your happy self. 

You even treated your Mama to a full night's sleep, just the once though (you didn't want to spoil me, haha)! 

We started weaning you at 5 months and 2 weeks, following the 'baby-led' method, so there has been a lot of playing with different foods with the occasional eating. So far, you've tried broccoli, courgette, carrot, cucumber, avocado, tomato, banana, strawberry and some bread. 


I am still feeding on demand and let you sleep when you want but you're naturally falling into more of a routine now:

6:00-7:00am - Wake up

8:00am - Breakfast 
9:00am - Nap (about 30mins)

12:00pm - Feed 
1:00pm - Nap (about 30mins)
4:00pm - Nap 
5:30pm - Dinner  

6:00 - Bath with your brother and sister 
7:00-8:30pm - We aim to get you to sleep (doesn't always work) 

During the night you normally feed at around 10:30pm, 1:00am, 4:00am, 5:00am (sometimes) and 6:00am. 


You now weigh 17lbs 11oz and are just above the 50th percentile! You fit into mostly 6-9 month clothes with some clothes being 9-12 months, which are still very big on you. 

Love you so much,

Mama xxx

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