Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Elliot's 5 Month Update

Dear Elliot, 

This month has had lots of family and friends time and most importantly we had your Dada's birthday, as well as your cousin's Christening. To top it all off, we have had the best weather too!!

It's crazy to think that next month we will start thinking about weaning you. Time needs to slow down!!! 


You rolled front to back, only a few times so far but you're getting there. 

Sleep is still not that great but luckily you are pretty darn cute! 

Your first tooth came through, which was horrible and I really felt for you. The second is on it's way but hopefully then you'll get a bit of a break!!!


We have started to get you into more of a routine this month:

6:00-7:00am - wake up. 
9:00am - nap. 
(The middle bit has no routine and you are fed on demand). 
5:30pm - bath with your brother and sister. 
7:00-8:30pm - we aim to get you to sleep (doesn't always work). 
10:00pm - dream feed.
For the rest of the night, you often wake a few times and in no particular pattern. 


You now weigh 17lb 1oz! You fit into mostly 6-9 month clothes, still wearing a few 3-6 month outfits but I think they are going to be packed away soon. I have also got you out a few 9-12 month ones and even though they are giant, I have still put them on you. 

You're currently in between the 50th and 75th percentile. 

Love you so much,

Mama xxx

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