Thursday, 26 May 2016

Our favourites of the month

As its come to the end of the month, I decided to share a few of our favourite moments and tips from this month. Some have been actually been favourites for a little longer than a month but are still going strong, so thought I would give them a mention too! I have chosen a real mixture of some baby related points, beauty regimes and some home bits.

Firstly, here are a few of my personal 'Mummy' favourites:

I do not have the best skin and suffer from a few spots from time to time, so I am always looking for good facial products. I have read a few blogs raving about the 'Liz Earl' face cream, so I thought that it was worth a try... and I love it! It hasn't completely sorted my skin out but it makes it really soft and its all very natural, which is always a bonus.

I recently went shopping with my mum and actually treated myself to a pair of shoes!! Which is something I haven't done in ages. We have had some warmer weather so I picked up these gorgeous sandals.

Now onto the little man; due to the weather warming up, Jackson's eczema has come back. I have been using a cream that the doctors had given him but I find that using coconut oil alongside this cream really helps as well. After his bath, I get him out and rub the oil between my hands and then all over his body, focusing on his arms and cheeks. (Forgot to include it in the photo's)

Jackson seems to always manage to get really dirty, either with food or with all of the crawling around that he does. Now that we wash everything at 30c, I was worried that not everything was getting the proper clean that it needed. For this reason, I have brought Dettol Washing Liquid, which I had previously used for our bedding, but now I use it on everything of Jackson's too. It keeps me feeling happy that 99.9% of bacteria should have been removed from his clothes. (The one is the photo is the Tesco own brand I am trying out)

One of Jackson's favourite books this month has been 'Calm down Boris'. He finds it really funny, although, we are still yet to finish the whole book as he likes to turn the pages himself rather than listen to the story!

At one of our many 'Odds Farm' trips, I picked up this small selection of farm animal toys. He constantly hands them to me to listen to the sounds that I make for each one. He also enjoys trying stand them up in a line.

This wouldn't be a monthly favourites blog without including something Jackson loves to eat!!! This month, for snack time, I have been giving him 'Cheese and Herb Puffs'. He just can't get enough of them, as he shoves one in his mouth while asking for the next one straight away!

Let me know what your favourites are this month.

Love Sophia xxx

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