Sunday, 16 September 2018

Florence's 18 month update

Dear Florence,

I haven't written an update since you turned one but so much has happened in the last 6 months. We have been on a few holidays, attended lots of weddings, celebrated your brother's birthday and your Dada's big 30. We have had an amazing summer together with so many lovely days out. 

From now on, we will be having some real bonding time while Jackson is at preschool and, although we will miss him, it will be lovely to have some girly time together. 


You now have 16 teeth, which I thought was all of them until a friend reminded me you still have your 2 year molars to come! Last time I invite her over, haha! 

You are starting to copy everything we say recently but the main words that you say regularly and in the right context are: hiya, bye, ta, thank you, shoes, yes, mama, dada and Yaya. There are a few others that only your Dada and I can understand too! You also say a few words to Yaya in Greek, which is so adorable. 

Your most favourite thing to do is dance - all we have to do is put the Sonos on and you run into the kitchen and start busting some moves! I think that your favourite song is Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters, but just anything with a beat will do. 

In a world of 'boys toys', your favourite is the buggy and dolly's, which weren't actually bought for you but for Jackson before you were born. You love pushing them around and we even have to take it to the local park sometimes as you can't leave it behind. 

You finally out grew the Besafe car seat and you are now in Jackson's old one as he out grew his at the same time!

Something I am not too pleased about is that you have gone a bit backwards with your sleeping. You sometimes wake LOADS in the night but the last month it has been getting better so fingers crossed we are on the right track now!!!!!!!


8:00/8:30am - Wake up
8:30am - Breakfast; cereal, toast and fruit with milk
9:00am - Get dressed and play or head out
12:00pm - Lunch; sandwich, crisps and fruit
12:30pm - Nap
3:00pm - Wake up and play
5:00pm - Dinner; general kiddie's dinners
6:00pm - Bathtime
6:30pm - Play and milk
7:00pm - Bed


I haven't got you weighed in ages, so I put you on the scales and you weighed 1 stone 7.5 pounds which I worked out in the red book that it makes you on the just over the 25 percentile, so she's gone up! 

You still have a few 9-12 month bits but I think that it's time to bag them up and put them in the loft, as they are getting very snug. 12-18month sizes fits you well but I have brought a few new bits 18-24 months which I'm rolling up the sleeves to make fit you! 

Love you so much. 

Mama xxx

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