Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Week 2 Update

Here is mine and Florence's week 2 update...

We both had our 10 day check, which went brilliantly and we both have now been discharged. 



I feel almost back to normal, my below area is still a bit on the painful side but that will get better soon I am sure.

My milk is starting to get better too but I am still producing too much for Florrie! 


I haven’t weighed myself yet but am still not able to fit into pre-pregnancy jeans easily.
I want to buy a few new bits, preferably nursing clothes, so if anyone has any recommendations, please let me know.


My mood has changed this week and I have been so up and down. I think that it’s a combination of the count down to Chris going back to work and the fact that Florrie is already growing too fast. I know that it's mainly to do with my hormones settling but it still doesn’t help.


She has just been so easy this week and she has fitted into our family as though she’s been here for years. Her colour has got better but I still think there is a bit of jaundice in there, so hopefully that will be gone soon.


She has become a bit more alert this week, spending more of the day awake and looking around. Jackson loves this time at the moment, he finds it funny to copy her facial expressions! 


Generally its about 2-4 hours between feeds but she then cluster feeds from about 10pm–12'ish, which is not ideal but she’s still so little so I forgive her! At night, it’s really hard to get her to sleep in her bed too, so we have just ordered a 'Sleepyhead' to see if that will help. I have heard great reviews on them so hopefully it will help us! 


She is back over her birth weight, weighing 8lbs 13oz.

Jackson just loves his little sister!!!

Love Sophia xxx

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