Friday 7 October 2016

Morning routine

I recently blogged about Jackson's evening routine and it was well received, so I thought that I would share our morning routine too. Here it is...

Chris is often up and out the door by 6:00am to either walk the dogs or go for a run with them. I on the other hand, snooze until around 6:30am, before I drag myself out of bed and into the shower.

I am normally ready at about 7:00am, just before the little man wakes up. He then has his milk while strolling around upstairs, which gives us a bit of family time before Chris heads off to work. By 7:30am, we all head downstairs and say goodbye to Dada for the day.

Next, it's breakfast time for both Jackson and Mama. Most importantly, its coffee time for Mama too! Today, Jackson had scrambled egg, toast and watermelon (incase you were wondering, I haven't put milk in my cereal for this photo as I normally have it a bit later, plus I stole Daddies mug today, whoops!). 

After all the food has been eaten, it's play time!

We then slowly head upstairs to brush his teeth and get dressed.

By that point, it's normally between 8:30 - 9:00am and we have another play before heading out for a fun activity at about 9:30am.

Hope you enjoyed spending the morning with us!

Love Sophia xxx

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